StunterX 04-05 GSXR600/750 Steel Half Frame
The GSXR stock frames are known to crack over the years from regular street use with no solution but to either buy a new stock frame or have it patch welded which will eventually brake again. This will give your GSXR the ultimate custom look that will last! As all our frames do they come with StunterX VINS and titles to allow you to put your bike on the street and come powder coated the color of your choice. The shipping prices listed are for domestic shipping so please contact us for international shipping cost. Please contact us for more info.
*With a half frame we use your stock rear section of the main frame to build the front, steel half. If you do not have a stock rear section of the main frame to send us we may have one available for an additional cost.* Please contact us on the availability and cost before ordering*
* *You may also put a deposit on one of our back halves in order to build a half frame for you and send us your back half at your convenience to get a refund on the deposit. * Back halves must be in good to excellent condition to get a full refund on back half deposit.**
$1050 plus shipping with you sending us your stock back half (We may have a stock back half available for an addition cost. Contact us for availability). Powder coating included. With our Kawasaki zx6/636 model half frames a crossbar has been added to box in the entire frame to make it the most ridged and therefor strongest steel frame. This protects the actual engine mounts from braking if a hard pancake style hit happens since this a known problem with the Kawi's . We have also increased the steering radius on our frames to give you the best freestyle feel possible! We also have full frames available for the 03/04 636 09-2013ZX6/636 and the Honda F4i. All our frames come with VIN's and all the paperwork needed included in the price to put your bike on the road as we are a certified frame building company.